Copyright © Quviq AB, 2013-2023
Version: 1.46.3
Authors: Hans Svensson.
This module provides functionality for mocking Erlang modules. It is designed to
work together with eqc_component
where callouts can be mocked conveniently
using the functionality in this module. However, it is also possible to use this
module for traditional mocking, but the documentation focus on the callout use-case.
api_spec() -> #api_spec{ language = erlang, modules = [ #api_module{ name = stack, functions = [ #api_fun{ name = new, arity = 0 }, #api_fun{ name = push, arity = 2 }, #api_fun{ name = pop, arity = 1 } ] }]}.In one test case we expect the stack to be called four times; (1) creating a new stack, (2) pushing the integer 4 onto the stack, (3) pushing 6 onto the stack, and (4) popping one element from the stack expecting 6 to be returned. This could be expressed as:
lang() -> ?SEQ([?EVENT(stack, new, [], stack_ref), ?EVENT(stack, push, [stack_ref, 4], ok), ?EVENT(stack, push, [stack_ref, 6], ok), ?EVENT(stack, pop, [stack_ref], 6) ]).
Where we use an abstract stack reference stack_ref to represent the stack during the execution.
The stack can now be 'used' as follows (assuming that the functions defined above reside in the module stack_mock):2> eqc_mocking:start_mocking(stack_mock:api_spec()). {ok,<0.116.0>} 3> eqc_mocking:init_lang(stack_mock:lang(), stack_mock:api_spec()). ok 4> S = stack:new(), stack:push(S, 4), stack:push(S, 6), stack:pop(S). 6 5> eqc_mocking:check_callouts(stack_mock:lang()). true 6> eqc_mocking:init_lang(stack_mock:lang(), stack_mock:api_spec()). ok 7> f(S), S = stack:new(), stack:push(S, 4), stack:push(S, 6). ok 8> eqc_mocking:check_callouts(stack_mock:lang()). {expected,{call,stack,pop,[stack_ref]}} 9> eqc_mocking:init_lang(stack_mock:lang(), stack_mock:api_spec()). ok 10> f(S), S = stack:new(), stack:pop(S). ** exception exit: {{mocking_error,{unexpected,{call,stack,pop,[stack_ref]}}}}, [{eqc_mocking,f5735660_0, [stack,pop,[stack_ref]], [{file,"../src/eqc_mocking.erl"},{line,375}]}, ... ]} in function eqc_mocking:do_action/3 (../src/eqc_mocking.erl, line 371)Noteable in the usage above is that we can call init_lang/2 many times without restarting the mocking framework in between. Also note that the check check_callouts/1 checks both that all expected calls where made, and that the calls were made with the expected arguments. If a call is made out of order a failure is reported immediately. If a call is made where the arguments does not match, the default behavior is to also report a failure immediately:
19> eqc_mocking:init_lang(stack_mock:lang(), stack_mock:api_spec()). ok 20> f(S), S = stack:new(), stack:push(S, 7), stack:push(S, -3), stack:pop(S). ** exception exit: {{mocking_error,{unexpected,{call,stack,push,[stack_ref,7]}}}, [{eqc_mocking,f5735660_0, [stack,push,[stack_ref,7]], [{file,"../src/eqc_mocking.erl"},{line,375}]}, ...]} in function eqc_mocking:do_action/3 (../src/eqc_mocking.erl, line 371)However, it is sometimes useful not to abort tests prematurely, and a small change to the API specification enables this:
api_spec() -> #api_spec{ language = erlang, modules = [ #api_module{ name = stack, functions = [ #api_fun{ name = new, arity = 0 }, #api_fun{ name = push, arity = 2, matched = [] }, #api_fun{ name = pop, arity = 1 } ] }]}.Note the added matched = [] that tells eqc_mocking to not check any of the arguments at call time. (Default is matched = all). With this API specification the previous example behaves as follows:
21> c(stack_mock). {ok, stack_mock} 22> eqc_mocking:start_mocking(stack_mock:api_spec()). {ok,<0.116.0>} 23> eqc_mocking:init_lang(stack_mock:lang(), stack_mock:api_spec()). ok 24> f(S), S = stack:new(), stack:push(S, 7), stack:push(S, -3), stack:pop(S). 6 25> eqc_mocking:check_callouts(stack_mock:lang()). {unexpected,{call,stack,push,[stack_ref,7]}, expected, {call,stack,push,[stack_ref,4]}}
Once the mocked modules are no longer needed, the function stop_mocking/0 stops the mocking server and restores (i.e. unloads previously non-existing modules and reverting previously existing modules) the modules to their pre-mocking state.
... #api_fun{ name = foo, arity = 2, matched = fun([X1, _Y1], [X2, _Y2]) -> X1 == X2 end }Where the first list of arguments is the actual arguments used in the call of the mocked function and the second list of arguments comes from the language specification. A particular use-case is to check for equality of (some of) the arguments, there is a short-hand notation for this, namely:
... #api_fun{ name = bar, arity = 3, matched = [1,2] }
where we are going to match on the first two arguments of bar during execution.
?EVENT(module1, fun1, [Arg1, ?WILDCARD, Arg3], Result)
api_spec() -> #api_spec{ language = erlang, modules = [ #api_module{ name = modX, fallback = modY, functions = [#api_fun{ name = f1, arity = 1}, #api_fun{ name = f2, arity = 2}] } ]}.
When used, calls to modX:f1/1 and modX:f2/2 are handled by the mocking framework, while calls to, for example, modX:g/2 would just result in a call to modY:g/2. If the user wants to use a custom fallback module, modY should differ in name from the mocked module modX. The API spec is used to generate a module that handles all calls to modX. This module will simply call modY for all functions not present in API spec. If instead the user want to use the existing functions in modX as fallback functions modY should be modX. Note: To use a module as a passthrough module it must be compiled with debug_info, orelse eqc_mocking cannot properly re-name it.
Note that, in both cases, it is possible to have a function that is mocked (i.e. is in the API specification) and also exists in the fallback/passthrough module. For this case there is an attribute in the #api_fun-record: fallback.... #api_fun{ name = foo, arity = 1, fallback = true }
If fallback = true the call is first handled by the mocking framework, and only if the call cannot be handled (i.e. it is not expected to be called at that point) is it forwarded to the fallback module. If fallback = false the fallback is ignored for this function and an unexpected call will result in a mocking error.
Sometimes you want to mock a module, but are not interested in calls to functions in this module to show up as events. (This is a special case of fallback/passthrough.) For example, if you do not want to start your logging framwork lager and want to silently accept all calls to lager:info/2.
This kind of silent mocking is best performed by implementing your own lager_mock module, which is less work than specifying the API for each function as a record. The only thing you add to the API spec is:#api_module{ name = lager, fallback = lager_mock }.To quickly create a stub module corresponding to an existing module you can use create_stubs/2 and create_api_spec/1:
17> eqc_mocking:create_stubs(eqc_mocking:create_api_spec(lager), "/tmp/"). Writing stub file to: /tmp/lager.erl ok
) a language
where custom matching functions are used. (It is not possible to know whether two
actions may potentially overlap.)api_arg_c() = #api_arg_c{type = atom() | string(), stored_type = atom() | string(), name = atom() | string() | {atom(), string()}, dir = in | out, buffer = false | true | {true, non_neg_integer()} | {true, non_neg_integer(), string()}, phantom = boolean(), matched = boolean(), default_val = no | string(), code = no | string()}
api_fun_c() = #api_fun_c{name = atom(), classify = any(), ret = atom() | api_arg_c(), args = [api_arg_c()], silent = false | {true, any()}}
api_fun_erl() = #api_fun{name = atom(), classify = any(), arity = non_neg_integer(), fallback = boolean(), matched = [non_neg_integer()] | fun((any(), any()) -> boolean()) | all}
api_module() = #api_module{name = atom(), fallback = atom(), functions = [api_fun_erl()] | [api_fun_c()]}
api_spec() = #api_spec{language = erlang | c, mocking = atom(), config = any(), modules = [api_module()]}
event(Action, Result) = {event, Action, Result}
An event. When the language is 'run' an action is matched, and the result (of type Result) is returned.
lang(Action, Result) = seq(lang(Action, Result), lang(Action, Result)) | xalt(lang(Action, Result), lang(Action, Result)) | event(Action, Result) | repl(lang(Action, Result)) | par(lang(Action, Result), lang(Action, Result)) | perm([lang(Action, Result)]) | success
The type of a mocking language, parameterized on the Action and the Result.
par(L1, L2) = {par, L1, L2}
Parallel composition of two languages.
perm(Ls) = {perm, Ls}
Permutation, the language accepts any non-interleaving execution of the languages in Ls.
repl(L) = {repl, L}
Replication of a language, corresponds rougly to (*) in a regular expression.
seq(L1, L2) = {seq, L1, L2}
Sequential composition of two languages.
xalt(L1, L2) = {xalt, L1, L2} | {xalt, term(), L1, L2}
Choice between two languages. Possibly tagged with a term. All conditionals tagged with the same term must make the same choice.
callouts_to_mocking/1 | Translate a callout-term, as return by eqc_component, to a mocking-language. |
check_callouts/1 | Checks that the correct callouts have been made. |
create_api_spec/1 | Create an API spec for existing module/modules (mocking all functions listed by Module:module_info(exports). |
create_stubs/2 | Create stub skeletons (.erl file) for modules in an API spec. |
get_choices/0 | Returns the branches taken in any tagged choices. |
get_trace/1 | Returns the trace, i.e. |
get_trace_within/1 | Same as 'get_trace' but waits (for Timeout ms) for enough actions to match the current language. |
info/0 | Information about what is currently being mocked. |
init_lang/1 | Initialize the mocking language. |
is_lang/1 | Recognizer for the mocking language. |
merge_spec_modules/1 | Safely merge multiple specifications of the same module. |
provide_return/2 | Equivalent to provide_return(L, As, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end). |
provide_return/3 | Given a language and a sequence of actions tries to provide a list of the respective results. |
small_step/2 | Equivalent to small_step(A, L, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end). |
small_step/3 | Implementation of the small step semantics for language. |
start_global_mocking/1 | Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, [], [global]). |
start_mocking/1 | Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, [], []). |
start_mocking/2 | Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, Components, []). |
start_mocking/3 | Initialize mocking, mocked modules are created as specified in the supplied callout specification. |
stop_mocking/0 | Gracefully stop mocking. |
trace_verification/2 | Equivalent to trace_verification(L, As, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end). |
trace_verification/3 | Similar to provide_return/3 , but returns a boolean if the sequence of
actions leads to an accepting state. |
validate/1 | Validate a mocking language. |
callouts_to_mocking(CalloutTerm::term()) -> lang(_Action, _Result)
Translate a callout-term, as return by eqc_component, to a mocking-language.
check_callouts(MockLang) -> true | Error
Checks that the correct callouts have been made. Given a language, checks that the mocked functions called so far matches the language (the argument checking during execution is normaly relaxed, so errors could be undiscovered until here). Also checks that the language is in an "accepting state", i.e. a state where it is ok to stop.
create_api_spec(Module::module() | [module()]) -> api_spec()
Create an API spec for existing module/modules (mocking all functions listed by Module:module_info(exports). Don't forget to load the record definitions in your shell or you will not get well formatted output.
4> rr(code:lib_dir(eqc) ++ "/include/eqc_mocking_api.hrl"). [api_arg_c,api_fun,api_fun_c,api_module,api_spec] 5> eqc_mocking:create_api_spec(foo) #api_spec{language = erlang,mocking = eqc_mocking,config = undefined, modules = [#api_module{name = foo,fallback = undefined, functions = [#api_fun{name = bar,classify = undefined,arity = 1, fallback = false,matched = all}, #api_fun{name = baz,classify = undefined,arity = 3, fallback = false,matched = all}]}]} 6>
create_stubs(APISpec::api_spec(), Path::string()) -> ok
Create stub skeletons (.erl file) for modules in an API spec.
get_choices() -> [{term(), left | right}]
Returns the branches taken in any tagged choices.
get_trace(APISpec::api_spec()) -> [_Action]
Returns the trace, i.e. the {Action, Result}-pairs seen so far for the current language.
get_trace_within(Timeout::integer()) -> reference()
Same as 'get_trace' but waits (for Timeout ms) for enough actions to
match the current language. The trace is returned in a message {trace, Ref,
sent to the calling process, where Ref
is the result of the call.
info() -> [{atom(), #linfo{}}]
Information about what is currently being mocked.
Initialize the mocking language. This sets the language describing how the mocked modules should behave. Calling this function does not reset the collected trace. Some sanity checks are made, throws an error if the language and the callout specification are inconsistent.
is_lang(MockLang::lang(_Action, _Result)) -> boolean()
Recognizer for the mocking language.
merge_spec_modules(MockMods::[api_module()]) -> [api_module()] | no_return()
Safely merge multiple specifications of the same module.
provide_return(MockLang, Actions) -> [Result] | Error
Equivalent to provide_return(L, As, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end).
provide_return(MockLang, Actions, MatchFun) -> [Result] | Error
Given a language and a sequence of actions tries to provide a list of the respective results. If the actions does lead to an inconsistent state or if the sequence of actions does not lead to an accepting state a descriptive error is returned.
small_step(Step, MockLang) -> Res
Equivalent to small_step(A, L, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end).
small_step(Step, MockLang, MatchFun) -> Res
Implementation of the small step semantics for language.
start_global_mocking(APISpec) -> Result
Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, [], [global]).
start_mocking(APISpec) -> Result
Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, [], []).
start_mocking(APISpec, Components) -> Result
Equivalent to start_mocking(APISpec, Components, []).
start_mocking(Spec, Components, Options) -> any()
Initialize mocking, mocked modules are created as specified in the supplied
callout specification. Each mocked function is merely calling do_action/3
. If
the specification contains an error, an error is thrown. Functions that are modeled by
a component in Components are not mocked!
stop_mocking() -> ok
Gracefully stop mocking. Shutdown the mocking server, will try to restore mocked modules to its pre-mocking version.
trace_verification(MockLang, Actions) -> boolean()
Equivalent to trace_verification(L, As, fun (X, Y) -> X == Y end).
trace_verification(MockLang, Actions, MatchFun) -> boolean()
Similar to provide_return/3
, but returns a boolean if the sequence of
actions leads to an accepting state.
validate(MockLang::lang(_Action, _Result)) -> boolean()
Validate a mocking language. Checks that the mocking language is not ambiguous.
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